1.1.3 The Impact on Web3 Gaming

The future of full-chain gaming is promising. However, it's evident that while full-onchain games have their merits, they may not be optimal for large-scale competitive genres such as MOBA games. Additionally, solely relying on NFT games in the market falls short of establishing a truly decentralized gaming ecosystem. Thus, we've embarked on the creation of the Autonomous World, underpinned by Proof of Framesync. Through this approach, we ensure that game inputs and outcomes are recorded on-chain, fostering consensus among diverse clients. This initiative holds significant implications for web3 gaming, as it entails recording pivotal aspects of gaming behavior, inputs, and outcomes on the blockchain in a decentralized fashion.

By executing off-chain game logic and securely storing validated results on-chain, this process guarantees transparency and security. Validators meticulously re-run the game logic against the inputs of each session, thereby instilling greater trust in the gaming system. Neutral parties have direct access to retrieve data from the chain, expediting the verification process and further reinforcing trust and efficiency. Moreover, by leveraging various users' devices as nodes, decentralization in game processing is achieved, paving the way for a wider array of game categories to be accommodated in the future.

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