1.1.1 eSports Ecosystem Products

The Autonomous World primarily centers around the following products for eSports ecosystem:

- Event management tools for Organizers:

To achieve autonomous governance, we manage event information and settlements by recording and settling events on-chain. Organizers have the capability to leverage this tool to arrange events aligned with their objectives, encompassing aspects such as ticket pricing, prize allocations, competition formats, and beyond.

- Competitive Games for Players:

Our ecosystem offers a variety of competitive games tailored for players, including MOBA, ACT/ARPG, and VR online FPS games. These games serve as platforms for players to engage in specific eSports events. Participation typically requires purchasing tickets and using tokens to acquire additional in-game assets in the form of NFTs. A key aspect of our approach involves implementing Proof of Framesync to further decentralize competitive gaming experiences. Through PoF, we enhance the autonomy and integrity of our virtual world, fostering a more coherent and immersive environment for all participants.

- Event investment:

Users can participate in various brand events in the market freely. A well-hosted event is supposed to yield higher returns for investors. The process is facilitated through EVM smart contract-based Inscription NFTs.

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